You sat amicably abstracted amid all,
already absent. Each still wanting a piece of you.
By habit you worked the room ambling
like a walrus, unable to resist making deals
that no longer mattered . For the lunches you politicked
to secure my position alone, you gained three stone.
I glanced at your wife in crimson dress with
Sephardic hooded eyes, black like grapes.
The uneasy alliance made so many years ago
and kept fitfully straight still holds…
In public you do not acknowledge her
sitting on a different table, back to back.
I said to you then about her in feigned surprise:
In public you do not acknowledge her
sitting on a different table, back to back.
I said to you then about her in feigned surprise:
“It was a mature choice!” And you reddened with pleasure?
We hovered on a line that was never crossed.
But I recall the day you warned me when alone
as if in segue way, though nothing was previously said:
"I am a man of habit not quick to change!"
In private moments the enormity of
of what was left unsaid echoed in my ears.
No regret now but I recall that day when she accepted
bread and salt from my hands. It was done.
Not clear in retrospect that I had not ensnared myself.
At another occasion I looked at your workman like hands
in public near enough to touch . I felt a girdle of fire
and found what had eluded me in so many beds.
The mystery and simplicity of it, marvels me still.
Antonia Baranov
The last four lines are a great close to the poem, love them.